Deepest of all wells - the human soul
I remember it all being so efficient and smooth. The delivery man handed me the box and said, looking at the image on it: "It´s such a beautiful turntable". I smiled and pointed at the house slowly becoming a photo studio, still full of tools and parts that need to be painted and polished, and said there was so much work to be done so we needed some music.

It just stayed there, on top of some boxes with the equipment, a brand new instrument capable of producing the finest music in the world, almost forgotten. Those few days were filled with planning, a real estate photoshoot and editing, meetings with some clients and a lot of errands to run. All so productive. It is a business after all!

Thursday afternoon caught me enjoying the July heat I´ve loved since I was a child in what is to become the main room of the photo-house, my beloved studio. I was observing the old doors and windows everyone had been trying to convince me that I would definitely replace with the plastic ones (and getting a hard "no" as a response), thinking how they are about to be a hundred years old and most of them are still so well preserved. My mind was filled with the images of future product or fashion images, maybe food photography, and then it occurred to me that I could find some of the old records and try the turntable. After all, it is a new gadget!
Inspiration. Creativity. The one thing only the organic human being has. Everything else is an imitation, a reproduction of the original.
It took me a while to pick up some of the old favorites, still disconnected from the fact that I would listen to them for days, that they were indeed important to me when I would spend the romantic countryside summers here.

Classical ballets, DInu Lipatti, the 80´s Madonna, some local singers/ songwriters, some old Russian songs, some Argentinian folklore. Popular? Except the Swan Laake and Giselle not as much.

And then I heard that familiar crackling sound and the first melodies started playing. Each one of them a huge part of my life or a predecessor to the actual experience....
All those years of dancing... My connection to Argentina before spending more than a decade over there... My piano lessons and Chopin...The charm of the 80´s. It went deeper and deeper. Images were swirling in my head, memories that were so close and warm, but at the same time they felt like some distant past lifetimes. The elegant movement coming back to my limbs at hearing the initial tones in the II Act of Giselle. The voice that started singing "Like a prayer". The inevitable goosebumps while listening to some songs. Then Mercedes Sosa´s "Gracias a la vida".
Are we even aware of how many riches we carry in our being? Of how immense our consciousness is? Of what has touched our souls deeply?
The evening brought me some conversations with friends and family, and it was all about the inspiration, how it can be found everywhere, when we least expect it. As long as we take the first step, move, do something. Then everything starts opening up.

The Swan Lake is still on, with the powerful perfection of Tchaikovsky´s romanticism, but above all, reminding me of so many things I did, I was, I could and will do. Endlessly.
What inspires you to create? Where do you find your Muses? What is the warmest little memory of your childhood? Do you give yourself time to feel it, even without remembering it?
That´s my wish for you, to feel it.
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